
Boycott Amazon!

It looks like the Internet is being held on tighter and tighter reins these days. Amazon.com has "removed the sales ranks of any books deemed too 'adult' for general audiences. This includes anything with LGBTQ content." I found this out on this webcomic artist's livejournal: http://rosalarian.livejournal.com/253096.html

What this means is that "adult" books won't show up in searches. There are plenty of odd things about all this, things that just don't add up, but I'd only be repeating the aforementioned artist's words when you could easily check out her entry on this subject. Amazon.com appears to be showing very homophobic tendencies with this new rule, especially since plenty of books with erotic hetero content are still easily found through the search engine.

What a bunch of bullshit!

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