
I Am The King Of Carrot Flowers

Reading over my last post, I realized that my analogy is completely batshit. I have no idea where the shit I was going with that, and how it was supposed to relate to my original topic.

But whatever. I'm practicing for the real world.

I've suddenly been exploding paint all over canvas lately. It started with a few colors, and now somehow it's vomited out a theme and these faces and figures keep appearing under my brush. I'm pretty ecstatic; except for a bout with acrylic a year ago, I haven't been able to finish any serious paintings. Now suddenly I can't stop and I'm worrying about running out of canvases. At the moment I'm working on No. 3 and No. 4, which were other things, but shitastic messes. As in, not worth it. I love glopping a shit-ton of paint on top of a failed piece. Yeah, my original idea ended up sucking, but I can put something new and awesome on top of it instead. I also just love glopping paint and building up texture.


  1. It's understandable considering you wrote it post-Tourettes.
    I just pictured your paint brush literally vomiting out a picture.


Bop it