
Hair, What The Fuck Is Wrong With You?

I'm so tempted to grow my hair out long again.

It's like getting another hamster.

You tell yourself, this time, I'll do better! I'm more experienced, I know how to take care of it right! I won't let it die this time!

Okay, it's more like life in general.

And like life, my hair doesn't like being tamed. Given any length, it likes getting out of hand. It likes being barbaric. It likes going here, taking you there, exploding in my face. It gets curly, wavy, and downright straight all at once. For a while it was dark, dark brown, and now suddenly it's light, almost chesnut, almost goldish.

But this time, I'll do better. I'll do right by you, hair.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe your hair is a free spirit and doesn't want to be tamed. Ever think o' that?! j/k

    Eh...even with my hair, I can't seem to take care of it long. I'm too lazy. :/


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