
Bathroom Drama

My god, some woman actually yelled at me today in the bathrooms at school. And why? Apparently the length of paper towel that went nearly all the way down to the floor was hers. Why, she had gotten it all nice and ready before she even washed her hands, and nasty ole me had to be such an asshole and swipe it first, not even giving her a chance to finish washing. It's kinda funny, really, because I looked at the length of it for about a nanosecond before deciding I was too lazy to rip it in the middle. I was already walking out the door when she starts shouting, like, "HEY! You didn't think maybe that was MINE?!" Well no, clearly I did not, otherwise I would have ripped it in half, or waited while you finished washing your hands and took it so I could dispense some for myself. I mean, I know I get angry about dumb shit a lot, but I usually try a little harder to keep it to myself, lest I come off as a bad-tempered, maggot-sucking cunt.

And then I went to class. And it sucked, verily. Wasted time all day long, again and again every semester.

1 comment:

  1. Obviously everyone has to wait for her to finish washing her hands and get her precious bit of paper towel because she's so damn important. /sarcasm. What a self-entitled moron.


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